Lectures this week:
- Today lecture: Delta method and Bootstrap
- Weds lecture: Randomization & Permutation
- Friday lecture: Cancelled - Office hours instead
Formula Sheet The final is closed book, no note sheet. I am willing to provide some of the harder (less common) formulae.
Lab: No set material, I’ll encourage Chuan to lead a formula strategy session.
Delta Method
Delta Method
If the sampling distribution of a statistic converges to a Normal distribution, the Delta method, provides a way to approximate the sampling distribution of a function of a statistic.
Univariate Delta Method
If \[ \sqrt{n}\left(\hat{\theta} - \theta \right) \rightarrow_D N(0, \sigma^2) \]
then \[ \sqrt{n}\left(g(\hat{\theta}) - g(\theta) \right) \rightarrow_D N(0, \sigma^2[g'( \theta]^2 ) \]
(As long as \(g'(\theta)\) exists and is non-zero valued.)
Another way of saying it
If we know, \[ \hat{\theta} \, \dot \sim \, N(\theta, \sigma^2) \]
\[ g(\hat{\theta}) \, \dot \sim \, N(g(\theta), \sigma^2[g'(\theta)]^2) \]
The approximation can be pretty rough. I.e. just because the sample is large enough that the original statistic is reasonably Normal, doesn’t meant the transformed statistic will be.
Example: Log Odds
Let \(Y_1, \ldots, Y_n \sim\) Bernoulli\((p)\), and \(X = \sum_{i=1}^n Y_i\).
We know \(\hat{p} = \frac{X}{n} \sim N(p, \frac{p(1 - p)}{n})\).
We might estimate the log odds with: \[ \log\left(\frac{\hat{p}}{1-\hat{p}}\right) \]
What is the assymptotic distribution of the estimated log odds?
Example: Log Odds cont.
\[ g(p) = \log\left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right) = \log(p) - \log{(1-p)} \]
Other comments on delta method
Derived using a Taylor expansion of \(g(\hat{\theta})\) around \(g(\theta)\)
There is also a multivariate version (useful if you need some function of two statistics, e.g. ratio of sample means)
A method to approximate the sampling distribution of a statistic
- Recall, one way to approximate the sampling distribution of a statistic was by simulation, but you have to assume a population distribution.
- The bootstrap uses the empirical distribution function as an estimate for the population distribution, i.e relies on \[ \hat{F}(y) \approx F(y) \]
Example - Sampling distribution of Median by simulation
Assume a population distribution, i.e. \(Y \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)\)
Repeat for \(k = 1, \ldots, B\)
- Sample \(n\) observations from \(N(\mu, \sigma^2)\)
- Find sample median, \(m^{(k)}\)
Then the simulated sample medians, \(m^{(k)}, k = 1, \ldots, B\) approximate the sampling distribution of the sample median.
Example - Sampling distribution of Median by bootstrap
Estimate the population distribution from the sample, i.e. \(\hat{F}(y)\)
Repeat for \(k = 1, \ldots, B\)
- Sample \(n\) observations from a population with c.d.f \(\hat{F}(y)\)
- Find sample median, \(m^{(k)}\)
Then the bootstrapped sample medians, \(m^{(k)}, k = 1, \ldots, B\) approximate the sampling distribution of the sample median.
Sampling from a c.d.f
You can sample from any c.d.f by sampling from a Uniform(0, 1), then transforming with the inverse c.d.f.
I.e. sample \(u_1, \ldots, u_n\) i.i.d from Uniform(0,1), then
\[ y_i = F^{-1}(u_i) \quad i = 1, \ldots, n \] are distributed with c.d.f \(F(y)\).
In the empirical case
Sampling from the ECDF is equivalent to sampling with replacement from the original sample.
Example - Sampling distribution of Median by bootstrap
Repeat for \(k = 1, \ldots, B\)
- Sample \(n\) observations with replacement from \(Y_1, \ldots, Y_n\)
- Find sample median, \(m^{(k)}\)
Then the bootstrapped sample medians, \(m^{(k)}, k = 1, \ldots, B\) approximate the sampling distribution of the sample median.
A little more subtly: \[ \hat{m} - m \, \dot \sim \, \tilde{m} - \hat{m} \]
Sample values: 1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 5.7, 6.9, 7.4, 8.1, 8.7, 9 and 9.5
Sample median: 7.1562828
A bootstrap resample: 1.8, 2.7, 2.7, 5.7, 6.9, 7.4, 8.1, 8.1, 8.7 and 9.5
Sample median: 7.1562828
Many resamples
Bootstrap confidence intervals
Many methods..
A common one:
- Quantile: \(100(\alpha/2)\) largest resampled statistic value, and \(100(1 - \alpha/2)\) largest resampled statistic value
Comments on the bootstrap
Relies on \(\hat{F}(y)\) being a good estimate of the \(F(y)\), doesn’t necessarily solve small sample problems.
Resampling should generally mimic original study design. E.g. If pairs of observations are sampled from a population, pairs should be resampled